Friendships Stand Test of Time

Back in April when our “presumptive” Republican nominee made the comment about playing the woman card, I had to chuckle. Don’t worry, I’m not going to get political on you, I mostly avoid that at all cost. I’m not sure what was intended by that statement, but I happen to be a card-carrying woman and proud of it.

I think we rock, not in the, “I’m gonna go out and burn my bra or protest in the streets” way, but in the way many women “just are”. I have a group of ladies I have known for 17 years. Our boys wrestled in high school together. And if you know anything about that sport, you know that during tournaments the spectators (mostly moms) spend hours upon hours sitting on the bleachers, waiting for their sons to take the mat. Consequently, as a mom, you get to know your companions very well.

We call ourselves the Wrestling Hags, I can’t remember why, but it doesn’t matter. What does matter is our friendship; we’ve been there for each other through the defeats and triumphs of life: serious illnesses, children’s weddings, separations, and deaths of loved ones.

Good girlfriends are worth their weight in gold. These ladies would do almost anything for me, and I for them. I’m sure men have friendships like that, but I think women speak more easily about matters of the heart, and a closeness and bond forms.

The thing I’m most proud of as a woman is being blessed with having children. It’s truly a gift from God, and a remarkable responsibility to carry, nurture and raise another human being.

I’m going to wear my woman card like a badge of honor.

Patricia Martin

Whether she’s serving the community or writing about it, Pat Martin is passionate about building lasting relationships and helping others see their full potential. Working for D Magazine and People Newspapers for 25 years Martin has seen a lot of change in our neighborhoods. The generosity and compassion of our community gives her motivation to lead the team in our mission to provide quality trusted news content relevant to the people of Park Cities and Preston Hollow. Feel free to contact Pat at For the latest news, click here to sign up for our newsletter.

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