Mosquitos are Coming! Mosquitos are Coming!
In preparation for the dreaded mosquito season, HP will begin spraying earlier than it has the past few years. With the weather starting to warm up, the mosquito population will start to grow earlier than usual.
To help control the population, HP will begin ground spraying this weekend, from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. on Feb. 26-28. The spraying will take place on the east side of town, in quadrants C and D of the map shown above.
Residents are recommended to remain inside while spraying occurs, along with pets. Any pet dishes left outside during those times should be cleaned following spraying.
However, spraying may be rescheduled in the event of rain, if temperatures drop below 50 F, or wind speeds pick up to 10 mph.
To read more about how to prepare your home for mosquito season, be sure to read the next issue of Park Cities People.