Cheerleaders to Host Annual Fundraiser

HPHS cheerleaders and Scotsmen will host their annual hamburger supper and raffle on Oct. 3 in the high school cafeteria before the football game against Richardson Pearce.
There will be hamburgers and fries from Burger House, frozen yogurt from Plaza Health Foods, and desserts from Gigi’s Cupcakes. The supper includes a deejay, dancing, hula hooping, HP Scots temporary tattoos, and photography by Billy Buttons.
Solicitation letters for the event will go out in July, but supper and raffle tickets can be purchased at the event. Raffle items include four themed baskets and the now-famous Scotsmen Bike.
Funds will go toward transportation to away games, props for pep rallies, retaining top-tier coaches and choreography, and an annual trip to the Universal Cheerleaders Association summer camp.