HPPC Names New Senior Pastor

Highland Park Presbyterian Church has named the Rev. Bryan H. Dunagan to be its new senior pastor. He becomes just the seventh senior pastor in the 88-year history of the church.
Dunagan, a native Texan, has been the teaching pastor at Peachtree Presbyterian Church in Atlanta for the past nine years. Dunagan was chosen from a pool of more than 100 candidates by a pastor nominating committee formed by the church in October 2012.
He wrote a letter to the HPPC congregation that reads in part, “As your new senior pastor, I look forward to helping HPPC dream God-sized dreams about the impact this congregation can have, not only in the city of Dallas, but also as part of an interwoven global church. It is a great privilege to be given this opportunity to point people to Jesus — not only through my words, but also through my actions — as together we seek to be transformed in Christ.”
We are very excited to welcome Ali and Bryan to Highland Park Presbyterian Church.