Yavneh Students Promote Peace Through Hoops

Yavneh Academy’s Students Against Terrorism group is gearing up for its 12th annual Points for Peace basketball tournament, and registration is now open for the event, slated for March 9 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center.
The community is invited to participate in various age categories. Registration will end this week. You can find more information after the jump.
“Yavneh’s students who participate in SAT don’t just talk about Israel and the situation there, but we make it our responsibility to do something in order to help those in need as victims of terrorism,” said Yavneh senior Itai Guttman, co-president of SAT. “We are all one big family, and whenever one person is hurt or needs our help, we step up and try to provide for them in order for them to be happy.”
Dania Tanur, also a senior at Yavneh and co-president of SAT, agreed. The tournament will benefit ATZUM’s Roberta Project for Survivors of Terror.
“Yavneh is so much about chesed, acts of charity, and creating a familial atmosphere wherever its students and faculty are present and SAT promotes that message with its ability to unify individuals from around the community and city to speak up, raise awareness and fight for a meaningful cause,” Tanur said. “I love that people from all ages can not only participate in the tournament and event, but can also actively engage in their world and acknowledge who and what they are helping and why it is important.”
In addition to the Points for Peace tournament, Yavneh’s Students Against Terrorism has directed movie nights, promoted Strong4Israel bracelets, and Roses for Israel, all of which have raised over $650,000 to support various global programs.
“Our student leaders are taught, and they teach us — by their example — about giving back to the community and the Jewish tradition of tikun olam, of repairing the world,” said Yavneh Head of School Dr. David Portnoy. “In Israel, thousands of people our kids will never know have been impacted by the goodness that comes from a community connecting on basketball courts in Dallas. It really is something magnificent.”
Visit studentsagainstterrorism.org for more information or to register for the tournament. Call 214-392-1672 or email tanurdania@gmail.com with any questions.