Who Wants a Copy of Parkcities-Opoly?

The next 10 people who sign up to receive The Plaid Report, our weekly e-newsletter about the Highland Park Scots, will each get a free copy of the Parkcities-Opoly board game. It will even be delivered to your home* by a member of the Park Cities People staff — possibly yours truly.
* homes in the Park Cities only
Cool, I’m all signed up!! If I don’t make the cut let me know where I can buy one. We’re buying board games for this Thanksgiving with the In-laws. Thanks.
Ray – give me a call at 214-523-5248 – Dorothy
Is this kind of like the Stars tickets that were offered a few weeks ago? Is anyone going to actually win this time or are you still just trolling people into signing up for The Plaid Report?
Thanks Dorothy!
Comment from a previous blog post:
To order a copy of “ParkcitiesOpoly” please send an email to Parkcitiesopoly@yahoo.com and you will receive an order form back. A quicker way is to send a check for $34.95 + $2.88 tax = $37.83 to “Parkcitiesopoly 3515 rosedale ave. Dallas, TX 75205. Make sure name/address/phone/email are listed. Games will be delivered to front porches unless otherwise specified.
Thank you!
Deanna Charles, PCopoly committee chair
@Newbie – register and find out.
@Dorothy Wood, I’m already registered. Maybe you should answer the question posed instead of trying to punt. My wife registered very early on the day that the Stars tickets were offered. We’ve heard crickets since. She may not have won, but from where I’m sitting, it doesn’t look like anyone did. It gives the rest of us a legitimate reason to wonder whether you guys are baiting and switching your readers. I’m also a subscriber to the print edition, although I’m considering cancelling that based on the passive-aggressiveness of your comment.
Newbie, your wife was not one of the first two to sign up on the day we offered the Stars tickets. I see no reason to publicly identify the two winners, but if they want to ID themselves on here, fine. I will tell you that the second person to sign up has been mailed his tickets, but the first person has not answered my emails asking for his postal address. If he doesn’t answer me by day’s end, the tickets and parking pass are yours.
So will you let us know whether you have contacted the winners of the game?
We received our board game today….Thanks!
I have contacted the first 10 respondents and have heard back from 4.
2 games have been delivered.
Would it still be possible to purchase park cities opoly?
Sarah – will email you information! Thanks.