Park Cities Y to Host Scouting Open House

Is there a boy in your home interested in Boy Scouts or Cub Scouts?

A Park Cities-wide Scouting recruitment open house will be held from 2:30 to 4 p.m. Sunday at the Park Cities YMCA, 6000 Preston Road. Park Cities families interested in Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts are invited to stop by and learn more about Scouting opportunities in Highland Park and University Park.

Cub Scouting begins in first grade, and Boy Scouting begins at the age of 11 (or at the age of 10 if the boy has completed fifth grade or earned the Cub Scout Arrow of Light).

Boy Scouts will demonstrate skills such as Dutch-oven cooking, flint and steel fire-starting, and campsite building. Each local Boy Scout troop and Cub Scout pack will have a table set up to display information and allow troop leaders to answer questions about Scouting in general and about their troop or pack specifically.

Interested families may come and go anytime between 2:30 and 4 to see and experience what Scouting can be in the Park Cities. Flyers and other information will be available. Prospective Scouts can sign up to learn more about the local troops and packs.

The event is being sponsored by the West Park District of the Circle Ten Council of Boy Scouts of America, and it will be manned by Park Cities-area Scout leaders and local Scouts. There is no charge to attend, and samples of Dutch-oven cobbler and ice cream will be available.

For more information, contact Jeff Howard at 214-678-0122 or [email protected], or Maribeth Hughes at [email protected]. If you are unable to make it to the Scouting open house, you can go to for information on how to join a local troop or pack.

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