Michael Young Plunked by Sports Illustrated
In the Oct. 15 issue of Sports Illustrated, Joe Sheehan offers a wrap-up of the Rangers’ disappointing season. As he lays out the case for manager Ron Washington’s “tactical deficits,” Sheehan has harsh words for University Park resident Michael Young, whom he calls “perhaps the worst regular in baseball this year, a DH and corner infielder who batted .277 without walks (33, for a .312 on-base percentage) or power (eight homers and a .370 slugging percentage while playing in one of the most favorable hitter’s parks in baseball). For a player to be so unproductive without losing his job for a contending team was one of the worst personnel moves of the year.”
All I heard was Michael Young lives in University Park…how cool is that!
Anyhow, I’m not all that thrilled to see my guys taken out but to suggest Michael Young be cut from the team because he didn’t have a Steller year is ill-rational. Michael Young is a solid player who gives his all to the Rangers Club and has helped them clinch 2 consecutive Championship titles…the first ever in the history of the ball club.
We as fans need to be supportive of our team through the good and the bad. Well I’m off to go walking with a baseball in one hand and a Sharpie in the other hand
Cut him yesterday.
They won’t cut him because they would still have to pay his ~$15 million for 2013, the final year of his contract. But he needs to be only a fill-in, getting only ~200 at-bats instead of 600 or more. Wash’s stubbornness on this topic helped doom the Rangers this year.