Publisher Photographed With 3 Handsome Achievers

You will find in this week’s paper a report on the establishment of the $25,000 Circle of the United Way’s Ruth Sharp Altshuler Tocqueville Society. Publisher Karen Mordecai and I attended the June 5 luncheon where the circle was introduced, and we got our picture taken with campaign chairs Troy Aikman and Roger Staubach. I wonder why Troy leaned in toward Karen and away from me. He must have sensed I was the son of a Philadelphia Eagles season-ticket holder. Yeah, that had to have been it.
While I don’t have a scooter, it is just a tad irritating to see a bicycle sized vehicle take up an entire parking space. Why can’t scooters park at the end of the block? Maybe set up a bike rack or two.
Whoops. Commented on wrong post