Rise and Shine, Park Cities (8-4-11)
1. Free tonight? NorthPark Center’s Pinto Ranch is hosting an art unveiling to benefit the Autism Treatment Center. View new work by artist Melinda Page, graze on Tex-Mex hors d’oeuvres, and stick around for the complimentary boot shining and hat shaping (presuming, of course, that you’re wearing head ‘n’ foot gear). A lead-up to Roundup for Autism, the event starts at 6 p.m.
2. Jason Major has quite the Friday planned. Thanks to his avid Twitter use, the Travis Street resident gets to watch NASA’s launch of Juno, a spacecraft/probe en route to Jupiter. Its ETA? 2016.
Says Major, a graphic designer by trade and “big fan” of astronomy and space:
NASA’s social media presence is very good, and they have been hosting Tweetup events whereby their followers get a chance to “win” VIP passes to witness launches. I was lucky enough to be a guest at the final shuttle launch last month, and now I’m heading back to see Juno launch aboard the largest Atlas V rocket ever built.
Major’s blog has details and photos aplenty.
3. Preston Hollow Dance isn’t just for folks in Preston Hollow, and about a third of the girls I met at Holly Seeley’s new studio hail from the Park Cities. The business has been around for a few years as an appointment-only gig, but Seeley recently hung out a shingle of her own, with classes to officially begin Aug. 15. Registration parties (think kids’ games and refreshments) are set for this Saturday and next. And — best part, best part — Seeley’s gearing up for adult classes in October that will teach you to dance like Michael Jackson. Just like MJ. Pick up our Aug. 12 paper for details.