Summer Daze Craze
When I was a kid summer meant sleeping late and playing in the street until past dark. Kick the Can and Green Light Red/Light were the games of choice. On occasion, my parents sent us to a local parks and recreation class, but that was boring compared to our summer adventures. This week I spoke to several moms who are stretched thin driving children to lessons, camps and tutoring. I’ve got my cutie in tutoring three days a week, tennis five days a week, and cheer class once a week. My sloth-like summers are a thing of the past.
Several friends have hired college students to help them drive their children to activities that only Mapquest can find. These days college is competitive and maybe our kids will have an advantage because their summers are spent learning everything from a slice serve to geometry. When I attended college it seemed like a heartbeat and a high school diploma were all you needed to get into the school of choice. Today? Kids work hard all year around building the skills to distinguish themselves for future teachers, coaches, colleges, and employers.
But, have we gone too far? Will our kids know how to relax and enjoy life?