Re: Signs, Signs, Everywhere Are Signs
Just got an update from Steve Mace, communications guru at University Park City Hall. I called earlier to ask if the banner hanging on the Chase Bank building at Daniel and Hillcrest avenues was square with city code. Turns out, not so much:
A City Code Enforcement Officer has called a representative for the property owner to advise him that the two signs on the Chase Bank building are in violation of the City’s regulations for the display of political signs. The City’s Sign Code was adopted in 1981. It was amended in 2004 to include the wording that, “political signs, not exceeding 36 square feet in area or 8 feet in height, shall be permitted …” Ordinance No. 04/10 Sec. 12.250.
Commonly the City asks for compliance within a day of receiving the notice of violation. In this case, because the signs are mounted a story or two up from the street and removal may involve a bucket truck, the City will work with the property owner if another day or two is necessary.
If the property owner does not remove the signs a citation will be issued and the matter will proceed to municipal court. Failure to comply carries a penalty of $500 per offense, per day.
Also interesting is that there’s no disclosure statement, which, according to the Texas Ethics Commission, is mandatory for all political advertisements.
I think they have to mail you a notice, not call.
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